How Hearing Aids Can Relieve Tinnitus

How Hearing Aids Can Relieve Tinnitus

Written By
Reviewed By
Stefan Fosco, Au.D.
May 1, 2024
min read
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Tinnitus, a condition affecting over 50 million Americans, manifests as ringing, humming, or buzzing sounds in the ears, significantly impacting daily life. Audiologic Solutions, with a dedicated team of Doctors of Audiology in Queensbury, Hudson, and Rensselaer, specializes in addressing this pervasive issue. They offer comprehensive hearing testing, fitting of hearing aids for tinnitus relief, and are the sole providers of the revolutionary Lenire tinnitus treatment in the area. Emphasizing the importance of professional audiologist consultations, Audiologic Solutions endeavors to bring solace and improved quality of life to those suffering, illustrating their commitment to pioneering tinnitus treatment and innovative hearing aid technologies.

Here, we not only explore the link between hearing loss and tinnitus but also delve into how hearing aids can alleviate the burdensome condition. Highlighting types of hearing aids suited for tinnitus sufferers and additional strategies for achieving tinnitus relief, it aims to guide readers through a journey of understanding and managing their symptoms effectively. By presenting the latest clinical advances and treatment options, such as the Lenire tinnitus treatment, this piece serves as an educational tool for anyone seeking to mitigate the effects of tinnitus with the help of experienced audiologists and cutting-edge technology.

Understanding Tinnitus

Tinnitus manifests as the perception of noise or ringing in the ears without any external sound source, often described as ringing, buzzing, or roaring. This condition can stem from various factors, including damage to the cochlear hair cells, ear infections, head or neck injuries, certain medications, and various diseases such as Meniere's disease and blood vessel disorders. The complexity of these causes makes tinnitus a common yet poorly understood phenomenon affecting millions.

Common Causes and Risk Factors

  1. Age-related Hearing Loss: The most prevalent cause of tinnitus, typically manifesting as individuals age.
  2. Noise-induced Hearing Loss: Exposure to loud noises can cause permanent damage to the inner ear cells, leading to tinnitus.
  3. Medications: Certain medications are known to induce tinnitus as a side effect.
  4. Ear Infections and Earwax Buildup: Blockages or infections in the ear can temporarily enhance tinnitus symptoms.
  5. Health Conditions: Underlying conditions like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and thyroid problems can exacerbate tinnitus.

Impact on Life and Complications

Tinnitus is not just a hearing issue; it significantly impacts quality of life. Individuals may experience fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties, memory problems, and psychological distress such as depression and anxiety. These complications can affect personal and professional life, making it essential to seek effective management strategies.

Diagnosis and Research

Diagnosing tinnitus involves a thorough physical examination, hearing tests, and sometimes imaging studies to rule out underlying conditions. Ongoing research aims to unravel the complexities of tinnitus to develop new and more effective treatments. Audiologic Solutions offers comprehensive evaluations and utilizes cutting-edge treatments like the Lenire tinnitus treatment to provide relief and improve life quality for those affected.

The Link Between Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Hearing loss and tinnitus are intricately connected, often co-existing and exacerbating each other. The inner ear contains tiny hair cells that send sound signals to the brain. When these cells are damaged—whether through exposure to loud noises, aging, or injury—the resulting hearing loss can often lead to tinnitus. This condition manifests as ringing, buzzing, or other persistent noises in the ears, which are not caused by an external source but rather by the ear’s response to the diminished auditory input.

Factors Contributing to Tinnitus in Hearing Loss

  1. Damaged Cochlear Hair Cells: The most common link between hearing loss and tinnitus is damage to the cochlea's hair cells. This damage can disrupt normal auditory processing, leading the brain to perceive ghost sounds.
  2. Ear Infections and Blockages: Changes in ear pressure due to infections or blockages can temporarily enhance or trigger tinnitus.
  3. Ototoxic Medications: Certain medications have side effects that can exacerbate both hearing loss and tinnitus, including NSAIDs and antibiotics.
  4. Neurological Changes: Injuries affecting the brain or neural pathways related to hearing may lead to tinnitus, illustrating the complex interplay between the auditory system and brain functions.

How Hearing Aids Assist

Hearing aids play a crucial role in managing tinnitus associated with hearing loss. By amplifying external sounds, these devices can help the brain focus less on the tinnitus noise. This is not just about increasing volume but enhancing clarity and reducing the effort needed to hear, which can alleviate the strain and stress associated with tinnitus. Audiologic Solutions provides personalized hearing aid fittings, ensuring that each patient receives the best device suited to their specific auditory profile and tinnitus characteristics. This tailored approach helps many individuals find significant relief from their symptoms, as evidenced by improvements in standard hearing assessments and patient-reported outcomes over time.

The relationship between hearing loss and tinnitus is significant, with each condition potentially influencing the severity of the other. Effective management through professional audiologist consultations and customized hearing solutions is essential for those affected. Audiologic Solutions remains committed to offering advanced treatments and comprehensive care to improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing these challenging conditions.

How Hearing Aids Can Help

Hearing aids are pivotal in managing tinnitus by enhancing external sounds, which helps to minimize the focus on tinnitus noise. Audiologic Solutions offers advanced hearing aids equipped with specialized tinnitus therapy features such as sound masking and notch therapy. These features work by introducing soothing sounds or specific frequencies that help to mask the tinnitus, providing significant relief to sufferers.

Advanced Features of Hearing Aids for Tinnitus Relief

  1. Sound Masking: Utilizes white noise or nature sounds to distract from tinnitus.
  2. Notch Therapy: Targets and masks the specific frequencies of the tinnitus sound.
  3. Customizable Sound Profiles: Devices can be programmed to match individual hearing loss profiles and tinnitus characteristics, offering more personalized relief.
  4. Supplemental Sound Masking: Includes functionalities like playing ambient sounds directly into the ear, further covering the perception of tinnitus.

Moreover, the integration of modern technology in hearing aids such as Bluetooth streaming allows users to play therapeutic sounds directly from apps, providing continuous relief and distraction from tinnitus symptoms. This feature is particularly useful in managing daily stress and improving overall quality of life for those affected by tinnitus. Audiologic Solutions remains at the forefront, incorporating these innovative solutions to enhance the auditory experience and provide substantial tinnitus relief.

Types of Hearing Aids Suited for Tinnitus Sufferers

Advanced Hearing Aid Technologies for Tinnitus

Hearing aids have evolved significantly, incorporating features specifically designed to alleviate tinnitus symptoms. Here are some of the most effective technologies:

  1. Tinnitus-Masking Features: Models like Widex hearing aids offer SoundRelax technology, which emits soothing fractal tones to distract from tinnitus sounds, providing immediate relief.
  2. Noise Reduction and Directional Microphones: These features help focus on external sounds, reducing the internal perception of tinnitus.
  3. Sound Therapy Options: Modern hearing aids include settings that play calming sounds to help reduce stress and anxiety, common triggers for tinnitus.

Personalized Solutions from Leading Brands

Each brand offers unique features tailored to tinnitus relief:

  • Widex: Known for its Zen sounds and SoundRelax features, Widex aids are pioneers in tinnitus management.
  • Oticon: Offers Tinnitus Sound Support with a mix of broadband and nature sounds.
  • Phonak: Focuses on flexibility with customizable broadband sounds.
  • Starkey: Features the Multiflex tinnitus program in their Genesis AI family, providing comprehensive support.
  • Signia: Provides static noise, ocean wave, and Notch therapy across all technology levels.
  • ReSound: Allows users to adjust and personalize tinnitus masking sounds, enhancing user control and comfort.

These advanced hearing aids not only improve hearing but significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals suffering from tinnitus, tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of each user.

Additional Treatments and Strategies

Other Therapies for Tinnitus Relief

While hearing aids are an option for tinnitus management, additional treatments can offer further relief. Audiologic Solutions provides a holistic approach, incorporating various complementary strategies tailored to individual needs. Here are some other available treatments:

  1. Lenire: Lenire is a cutting-edge treatment for tinnitus that employs bimodal neuromodulation, simultaneously stimulating the auditory and somatosensory systems. This non-invasive technique uses a combination of sound played through headphones and mild electrical pulses delivered to the tongue to redirect the brain’s attention away from tinnitus. Clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness, with a significant proportion of users experiencing lasting relief. 
  2. Sound Therapy and Masking Devices: Utilizing soothing sounds or white noise, sound therapy distracts from the persistent ringing or buzzing of tinnitus. Masking devices also produce low-level background noise to reduce the perception of tinnitus.
  3. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a therapeutic approach that combines sound therapy with directive counseling. The goal of TRT is to retrain the brain to habituate the sound of tinnitus, thus diminishing its perceived intensity and impact on daily life. This method involves using a device that emits controlled acoustic signals to desensitize the auditory system to tinnitus. 
  4. Acupuncture, Eastern Medicine and Mind-Body Practices: Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, has shown potential benefits for some tinnitus sufferers when performed by trained professionals. Similarly, herbal remedies like ginkgo biloba may improve circulation to the ear, though they should be used with caution as individual responses vary. Yoga and meditation focus on the unity of mind, body, and spirit, potentially reducing stress and enhancing circulation, which can be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers. Audiologic Solutions encourages practices that foster mindfulness and relaxation as part of a comprehensive tinnitus management plan that includes sophisticated hearing technology.

These therapies, combined with the advanced tinnitus treatment options like Lenire, available exclusively at Audiologic Solutions, offer a broad spectrum of solutions to enhance quality of life for those affected by tinnitus.

Tinnitus Treatment at Audiologic Solutions

At Audiologic Solutions, we understand that the complexities of tinnitus and its correlation with hearing loss mean there is a critical need for specialized care and innovative solutions. The significance of expert intervention cannot be overstated - and here at Audiologic Solutions, we are proud to deliver expert audiology services with a depth of understanding and personalized approach. The role of technology, including advanced hearing aids and the Lenire system, in conjunction with comprehensive audiologist support, illuminates a path toward improved quality of life for those grappling with tinnitus.

The journey toward managing tinnitus effectively is nuanced, requiring a blend of cutting-edge technology and professional expertise that we at Audiologic Solutions are proud to offer. Through dedicated research, patient testimonials, and a commitment to individualized care, our team is committed to the transformative impact of seeking professional help. If tinnitus affects your daily life, taking the step to regain control is paramount. Schedule a tinnitus evaluation with one of our Doctors of Audiology today, and discover the breadth of solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. 

Written By
Reviewed By
Stefan Fosco, Au.D.

Stefan Fosco Au.D., is a graduate of Ithaca College where he received his master’s of science in 2000. He obtained his Doctorate in Audiology from Salus University in 2009. He began his career in the capital district at a rehabilitation hospital in Schenectady, New York.

Our Locations

We have 3 hearing care clinics in Rensselaer, Hudson and Queensbury.


2 Empire Dr #204, Rensselaer, NY 12144



351 Fairview Ave #350, Hudson, NY 12534



118 Quaker Rd, Queensbury, NY 12804
